
Thursday 12 June 2008

Slightly Occupied

As weird as that may sound, the between countries teleportation wasn't all that bad... I still can't believe it went well...

Unfortunately, I don't have the time to do a full account of it. I'm just posting now in case you're wondering what's going on with me.

Last few days were spent on catching up with my internet presence, which included reading all your blogs, my YouTube subscriptions and some Lifehack...

I would like to say that I decided to redesign the way I blog. As you may know, I have a dozen accounts on various websites, some of them I put stuff to and since they have RSS (feeds are awesome!) I was able to combine them in FriendFeed into one big FEED that would show you everything I post... that way I will cut my blogging amount because I won't have to write the same thing to blog after blog and I could organize what I write to where I post.

This blog for personally introspective cogitating on the workings of the unknown universe and Twitter for short OMG! and Life-Sucks! posts (I'll probably leave my bitching on MySpace)... but that's not all! It also shows what sites I bookmark on delicious and what internet resources I Digg, what I favourite on YouTube (and I hope it will also show what I upload, that needs testing), it will give you photo links to my Flickr and what books I added to my inventory on LibraryThing...

I am pondering making a blog on Wordpress for my reviews (those that I wanted to do every Friday) and a blog on RPGs... they'll be added to the feed too...

So... you can either follow this blog where I just talk, add this and that to your RSS reader (if you're using one) or just pick up FriendFeed to get it all in one go... that way I won't bore you by putting everything and nothing in one place... and on my side, I won't be wasting time on writing the same thing again and again, I don't do copy&paste like that...

The Feed is here... seriously, I've got stuff to do, I'll write something more coherent and telling you what I'm doing later on... or make a list in the morning... I dunno, too many things to think about...

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