
Tuesday 19 February 2008

Dreaming Once More...

There was a group of people that came to an old castle. Inside they met with a family of strange individuals with the ability to change their forms. They quickly learned this power was causing them to become less human and more like the beasts they were emulating. Thus they decided to come up with a plan to strip the family of their powers before the world would have to deal with mythical beasts come to life. The eldest son who was a dragon seemed to have a thing for one of the girls, so she climbed a tree to his balcony to talk about love. While climbing she found a strange glowing pill of which the dragon was afraid and as they kissed, she slipped it into his mouth. The man convulsed in pain and reverted back to his human form, from which he could not escape. Life as such for him was not worth living any more. The similar thing happened to other family members until the scene shifted to their matriarchal mother who didn't look like she cared about being stripped of her supernatural powers. Instead she wanted to talk about what is it in the human brain that makes us above animals.

I am a monster, rampaging through a city and then I shrink down, turning into the usual form of a human. I go home and with a stern look from my mother (who is also a monster since it's an inherent trait) I go to take a bath. There are some tablets lying around that my mom uses for bubbles so I try using them as a soap. I rub them into my toes and it burns. The water starts to spill from the bathtub and onto the floor as I soap further to cover my whole body. The two substances meet and form bubbles, soon the whole bathroom is filled with water and bubbles to the extent there is no air left. I'm only wondering if my mom will find out I took her stuff...

I'm out and about when I see a store. I go inside to see no one is there and look at what's in stock. Various fruits are inside and I consider stealing some as I notice apples. The shopkeeper shows himself just in time for two girls to enter. I want to pay for the apple with pounds. The girls laugh saying they're only worth 0.9 of the current currency. I try to get enough for the apple but fail and have to leave without one. I notice my friend from high school and since I have nothing better to do, I try to catch up with him. He sits down near some building and as I approach I notice it's my old secondary school's grounds with primary pupils all around me. I jump into the air and float in the usual fashion, jumping high and falling slow as if denying the pull earth had on me. I land on a tall sit, jump again making a swirl in the air so I land on the grass with my feet and then I sit down next to the guy.

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