
Saturday 21 March 2020

Week 1: Interesting Times

The Plague is upon us
These are truly exceptional times we're living in.

Countries around the world are closing borders so a lot of people are now stranded even though repatriation flights are being negotiated. Over in the UK people have gone crazy with shopping. When I've been to the shop last week, the shelves were empty of toilet paper, rice and pasta. Fortunately, I reguarly make sure I've got enough to not run out of any so that has hardly affected me.

In general, I think this situation is affecting me the least. My routine barely changed since the population has been recommended to cut social contact. This is the time when being an introvert aids you significantly. Even the gym is much more comfortable since they implemented measures for social distancing. Every other machine had a sign not to use it and the number of gym-goers saw a drastic reduction. I have to say, I enjoyed not having many people around me for once.

Sadly, this couldn't have lasted. The government ordered gyms to be closed so no more working out for me. This follows a string of cancellations this week. I've been getting emails from the various venues I visit informing us of closures until further notice. The Brighton Roleplay Club moved its meetings online for the time being with regular games being suspended. I know they're setting up online gaming but I don't feel like participating.

With so many people struggling, I'm trying to keep up with my friends and see if they're in need. Some had their hours reduced to zero so are struggling financially. I'm worried about work myself as with people not travelling, it will affect the company I work at. I hope it won't come to that but these are uncertain times. I'm told shops and supermarkets are overwhelmed and are now looking for additional staff so in the event I lose a job, I might get something to make ends meet for a while.

My current situation at work is that, as many other workplaces, the office is moving people to work from home, albeit in waves. For the time being, I'm still going to the office to work. I can't say I mind. Somehow I prefer to work in a different environment than my own home.

Shopping this week has been even more difficult. I noticed meat in low supply at the local supermarket, which is worrying, but I managed to snag the last pack of chicken breasts so I will be fine for next week. They have now implemented members of staff to control queues and direct them to appropriate ones so people with shopping trolleys don't use basket checkouts. They also move people out so as to create a break in a queue so people aren't blocking each other. I think they should also implement some traffic control in the ailes as I've had to avoid being slammed into twice while there.

They have removed the donation basket for charities as people were taking stuff out of it. I did not manage to get any fresh eggs and, most surpring of all, they nearly run out of kitten food. I only got one box of kitten wet food and had to buy some adult dry food for Artemis. It's not ideal but we'll persevere.

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