So soon after another blog post... I suppose it's better for my blogging when my mind is not constrained by posting schedules or a list of topics to cover... instead, it just wanders freely through the labyrinthine maze of my consciousness... or maybe I'm just too bored and aimless as is the usual case this time of the year...
Either way, I ended up thinking about 2006. It was the year that I, as a stranger, entered a strange land... but there was still internet... and coupled with my natural tendency to create narratives, I recessed into gaming...
It so happened that in 2006 I attended DragonMeet... my first convention and an opportunity to meet a lot of the people who I've previously only spoken to online... It was a very fun time... fun enough that I went on a few more afterwards until I couldn't due to employment obligations...
I mention this because on our way back on the underground, Deoq has stated that he'd love to play in a Changeling The Lost game and I said that I could run one provided it would be online and through a forum. Thus I was running a rather enjoyable game... even years from now on, I still fondly remember it... but I still have to go and format the whole archive I have and while I do that, I thought I might as well expose you to all the strangeness that our collective minds created...
I expect many of you won't be able to follow the story that well since we were all somewhat familiar with the setting and terms used, thus many an explanation for the uninitiated has been omitted... but that's what the comment section is for... not that anybody uses it...
Without further ado, I present...
Saint Christopher's Orphanage for Lost Children
Chapter 1: Howls at Night
The above link should send you to the Google Document... I had some trouble editing it due to how it interprets tables and images... let's just say that it looks better in MS Word... but it's still fairly readable... I think... maybe...
Saturday, 24 December 2011
A Rather Short Tale of Two Blogs
I had another blog at one point...
I thought I needed a place to ramble on about games and geek related things rather than put them up on here... this being a blog where I most just share stuff about life and whatever strange thought ends up embedding itself into my mind while travelling through the mental aether...
I kinda decided that blog was redundant... I partly wanted to have it there as a way of entry to creating a webzine and just generate interest in some way... I even got a few people to help with it at one point but that ended up not bearing much fruit... then Real Life took over... how I despise it when it happens... alas, it is inevitable...
The other issue was that I ended up not having the time to write. In the end I probably did make the right choice in focusing on writing my dissertation and getting a job that actually pays the bills instead of spending my time sitting at home and writing articles for a website.
I actually have post-it notes on the wall behind my laptop with all the titles of articles I want to write. They hang there and mock me every single day.
Jeśli to czytasz, Panie Q, to zapewniam, że nie zapomniałem o tych obiecanych artykułach i wiedz, że zostaną one napisane. Nadal mam wszystkie notatki... niestety najpierw chcę skończyć tą moją pracę pisać... bo już dłużej tego nie zniosę... z drugiej strony, już mi tak niewiele zostało do napisania, że zapewne skończę jeśli nie w tym roku to na początku następnego...
Back to a language that, statistically speaking, most of you should understand.
Then I had an interesting observation... if I put anything that relates to my geek nature outside of this blog, I end up with not having much to talk about. I mean, sure, it's not all I talk about and sometimes the things I like are only tangentially related to my posts... but when I take that aspect of my life out and limit myself only to things that I can talk about publicly (which you'd think is the norm on the internet... hint: it still isn't)... I'm pretty much left with nothing interesting to say...
I always said I'm a geek... I may not have realised how much though since I don't think I actually behave like some of those internet horror stories I read... some people are really obsessive about games and after witnessing it first-hand, I really can't put myself there...
so what's the point of this whole train of thoughts?
I don't know... just make something up that would satisfy you...
I thought I needed a place to ramble on about games and geek related things rather than put them up on here... this being a blog where I most just share stuff about life and whatever strange thought ends up embedding itself into my mind while travelling through the mental aether...
I kinda decided that blog was redundant... I partly wanted to have it there as a way of entry to creating a webzine and just generate interest in some way... I even got a few people to help with it at one point but that ended up not bearing much fruit... then Real Life took over... how I despise it when it happens... alas, it is inevitable...
The other issue was that I ended up not having the time to write. In the end I probably did make the right choice in focusing on writing my dissertation and getting a job that actually pays the bills instead of spending my time sitting at home and writing articles for a website.
I actually have post-it notes on the wall behind my laptop with all the titles of articles I want to write. They hang there and mock me every single day.
Jeśli to czytasz, Panie Q, to zapewniam, że nie zapomniałem o tych obiecanych artykułach i wiedz, że zostaną one napisane. Nadal mam wszystkie notatki... niestety najpierw chcę skończyć tą moją pracę pisać... bo już dłużej tego nie zniosę... z drugiej strony, już mi tak niewiele zostało do napisania, że zapewne skończę jeśli nie w tym roku to na początku następnego...
Back to a language that, statistically speaking, most of you should understand.
Then I had an interesting observation... if I put anything that relates to my geek nature outside of this blog, I end up with not having much to talk about. I mean, sure, it's not all I talk about and sometimes the things I like are only tangentially related to my posts... but when I take that aspect of my life out and limit myself only to things that I can talk about publicly (which you'd think is the norm on the internet... hint: it still isn't)... I'm pretty much left with nothing interesting to say...
I always said I'm a geek... I may not have realised how much though since I don't think I actually behave like some of those internet horror stories I read... some people are really obsessive about games and after witnessing it first-hand, I really can't put myself there...
so what's the point of this whole train of thoughts?
I don't know... just make something up that would satisfy you...
Saturday, 17 December 2011
Internet Visitors
Before now... I thought there's only like 3 or 4 people who look at this thing... I'm still surprised when someone tells me "I've read your blog entry"... so surreal!
I've assumed as much that most people who would be reading this would be either from the UK or USA... my posts being mainly written in English... and my social circles being in most part from those places in the world...
What I didn't expect is seeing Poland on the third place... I have no idea how that's possible... I don't think I even know 28 Poles... and those I know, only a few actually speak English... so I was thinking maybe 3 or 4 visits... but no... I have to be popular like that... Dlatego też pomyślałem, żeby od czasu do czasu napisać coś po polsku...
Then comes Russia... I always knew they were spying on me... trying to take my secrets...
Next up: Belgium... I was there once... maybe I should go there more often... they seem to like me...
Netherlands... I like that name... nether... very nihilistic... no idea how they got here... I suspect a conspiracy...
Australia... all right... I knew someone from Australia... if this goes suddenly goes up... I'll have to assume I'm being haunted...
Norway! I know who you are!
Denmark -> it's a postman...
and then it gets very murky... there's only a few countries I know people from... and that's mainly in the positive range of numbers no higher than 1... Finland, Canada (ok, I know two people, but we haven't talked in ages), Austria, Argentina, Japan, Estonia, France...
Yeah... I know someone who lives in FRANCE...
I'm surprised to see Germany with whole 3 hits... es ist Wahr dass ich habe ein Freund die kann Deutsch sprechen... aber er kommt aus Österreich... vielleicht sollte ich auch ein bissen mehr auf Deutsch blogieren... "blogieren" ist das ein Wort in Deutsch?!
Final note: one hit from Spain... sabemos...
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
On the Purchase of Games...
It took a while but my birthday present that was sent to me by my little sister has finally arrived a few days ago... and so, as it is only natural... I ended up playing a lot more on the Xbox than I did in the last several weeks... I don't remember the last time I actually spent half the day with a controller in my hands...
The game I'm referring to is Spider-man Web of Shadows that was released in 2008. I quite like it... which is in no small part due to Black Cat... this is probably the first time I am experiencing having a crush on a fictional character...
As it happens with networks that give you updates on what your friends are doing... and simply staying in touch with people... I know that the popular game right now is Skyrim...
So I have to say I did hear about Oblivion and heard lots of good about it but I never got to play it. Now that Skyrim got out I actually remembered about Oblivion and put it on my list of games to acquire. So now I often get a question filled with confusion and followed by explanation of how they are not in-continuity and one can easily play Skyrim without having played Oblivion first.
I get that but that's why I mention a game from three years ago in the beginning of this post. There are games that I would like to play. There are lots of games I would like to play. So I need to decide which ones to get and when.
Since I got an Xbox about a year ago, I managed to acquire a collection of a dozen games. It might not be much for people who have had hundreds games go through their life but it is a lot to me. I've only started playing now and it's been sporadic for me. I think about half of those games are ones that I didn't actually buy but were left over from my previous room-mate. In the end I actually have games to play so there isn't much point in going out and buying more games when I only finished 3 of the ones I have... and I can still play at least one of those due to topping up my account with a few quid every month and buying more content for it...
So yes, I decided not to buy more games when I haven't finished the ones I have. In terms of finishing a game's story line, that mostly takes time. Unfortunately, I'm not a person who would simply spend 30 minutes of spare time on playing a game. Another problem is that I just don't have several hours of spare time to give myself to playing a game... although... I did spend half a day and half a night playing Web of Shadows when I received it in the post... I needed a break -_-'
On the rare occasion that my previous two conditions are met, there is one more factor deciding game purchase... which is something that most people look at when buying stuff... the price...
Let's look at this example then. While Skyrim is all the rage, it costs £37.97 right now. In comparison, Oblivion costs £16.55. That's 43% of the price and you get expansion packs with that... As it is, I've yet to buy a newly released game... without having lots of time to play games and not seeing the reason to actually spend twice as much money on a new game than I can buy on an older game that interests me anyway... I might never catch up and be playing new games regularly...
but I can't say I really care...
The game I'm referring to is Spider-man Web of Shadows that was released in 2008. I quite like it... which is in no small part due to Black Cat... this is probably the first time I am experiencing having a crush on a fictional character...
As it happens with networks that give you updates on what your friends are doing... and simply staying in touch with people... I know that the popular game right now is Skyrim...
So I have to say I did hear about Oblivion and heard lots of good about it but I never got to play it. Now that Skyrim got out I actually remembered about Oblivion and put it on my list of games to acquire. So now I often get a question filled with confusion and followed by explanation of how they are not in-continuity and one can easily play Skyrim without having played Oblivion first.
I get that but that's why I mention a game from three years ago in the beginning of this post. There are games that I would like to play. There are lots of games I would like to play. So I need to decide which ones to get and when.
Since I got an Xbox about a year ago, I managed to acquire a collection of a dozen games. It might not be much for people who have had hundreds games go through their life but it is a lot to me. I've only started playing now and it's been sporadic for me. I think about half of those games are ones that I didn't actually buy but were left over from my previous room-mate. In the end I actually have games to play so there isn't much point in going out and buying more games when I only finished 3 of the ones I have... and I can still play at least one of those due to topping up my account with a few quid every month and buying more content for it...
So yes, I decided not to buy more games when I haven't finished the ones I have. In terms of finishing a game's story line, that mostly takes time. Unfortunately, I'm not a person who would simply spend 30 minutes of spare time on playing a game. Another problem is that I just don't have several hours of spare time to give myself to playing a game... although... I did spend half a day and half a night playing Web of Shadows when I received it in the post... I needed a break -_-'
On the rare occasion that my previous two conditions are met, there is one more factor deciding game purchase... which is something that most people look at when buying stuff... the price...
Let's look at this example then. While Skyrim is all the rage, it costs £37.97 right now. In comparison, Oblivion costs £16.55. That's 43% of the price and you get expansion packs with that... As it is, I've yet to buy a newly released game... without having lots of time to play games and not seeing the reason to actually spend twice as much money on a new game than I can buy on an older game that interests me anyway... I might never catch up and be playing new games regularly...
but I can't say I really care...
Sunday, 16 October 2011
Frustracje z Empikiem
Jedną z rzeczy które robię będąc w Polsce to wycieczka do księgarń. Chodząc po tychże księgarniach zauważyłem, że Supernowa wydaje teraz książki Wiedźmina w wersji z czarną okładką a ja już zacząłem kupywać je w białej okładce. Jako, że taka niezgodność okładek wyglądałaby nader źle na mojej półce, mogłem uczynić tylko jedno! Iść i kupić resztę książek której mi brak zanim znikną z obiegu!
No i był taki problem, że w księgarniach ich już raczej nie było. Powinienem był kupić jak tylko jedną zauważyłem, ale Empik miał akurat promocję kup 3 w cenie 2 więc szukałem i szukałem... aż wszystkie Empiki przeszukałem... a jest ich z Białymstoku trzy...
Ale jest jeszcze nadzieja! Zostało nam dane cudo jakim jest internet! Zatem bez kolejnej zwłoki wyruszam na wirtualną wędrówkę po katalogu Empika i oto znajduję wersje które były mi potrzebne do ukończenia mej kolekcji Sagi o Wiedźminie!
Zamówienie zostało złożone 21 września (środa). Niemalże natychmiast, z szybkością której pozazdrościłby sam Hermes, otrzymuję email, który dumnie głosi iż moje zamówienie zostanie zrealizowane już następnego dnia (czwartek)! Pozostało mi już jedynie wyczekiwać aż książki dotrą do mnie nim z Anglii wyjadę, a zatem tydzień.
Czekam i czekam...
I oto 26 września (poniedziałek) otrzymuje email. Empik prosi o me wybaczenie i oto, żebym oszczędził ich życie ponieważ z przykrością obwieszczają mi iż nie mają w posiadaniu tomu zatytułowanego Chrzest Ognia, jednak pozostałe dwa są jak najbardziej w ich posiadaniu, Krew Elfów i Pani Jeziora, zatem muszę jedynie dać im moje błogosławieństwo aby mogli podzielić zamówienie na dwie części i niezwłocznie wysłać mi te książki które mają... po czym będą się modlić o szybką zgubę nim mój gniew do nich dotrze... Zgadzam się na takie warunki lecz jestem lekko zawiedziony. Akurat potrzeba mi było Chrztu Ognia żeby dalej czytać tą całą Sagę.
I tak oto 28 września wieczorem (środa) wracam do Anglii, cała noc w podróży. A gdy budzę się 29 września (czwartek) po całym dniu spędzonym na drzemce której nieboszczyk mógłby pozazdrościć, dowiaduję się od mamy iż przyszła do mnie paczka a w niej książka...
Chrzest Ognia
Ale jest jeszcze nadzieja! Zostało nam dane cudo jakim jest internet! Zatem bez kolejnej zwłoki wyruszam na wirtualną wędrówkę po katalogu Empika i oto znajduję wersje które były mi potrzebne do ukończenia mej kolekcji Sagi o Wiedźminie!
Zamówienie zostało złożone 21 września (środa). Niemalże natychmiast, z szybkością której pozazdrościłby sam Hermes, otrzymuję email, który dumnie głosi iż moje zamówienie zostanie zrealizowane już następnego dnia (czwartek)! Pozostało mi już jedynie wyczekiwać aż książki dotrą do mnie nim z Anglii wyjadę, a zatem tydzień.
Czekam i czekam...
I oto 26 września (poniedziałek) otrzymuje email. Empik prosi o me wybaczenie i oto, żebym oszczędził ich życie ponieważ z przykrością obwieszczają mi iż nie mają w posiadaniu tomu zatytułowanego Chrzest Ognia, jednak pozostałe dwa są jak najbardziej w ich posiadaniu, Krew Elfów i Pani Jeziora, zatem muszę jedynie dać im moje błogosławieństwo aby mogli podzielić zamówienie na dwie części i niezwłocznie wysłać mi te książki które mają... po czym będą się modlić o szybką zgubę nim mój gniew do nich dotrze... Zgadzam się na takie warunki lecz jestem lekko zawiedziony. Akurat potrzeba mi było Chrztu Ognia żeby dalej czytać tą całą Sagę.
I tak oto 28 września wieczorem (środa) wracam do Anglii, cała noc w podróży. A gdy budzę się 29 września (czwartek) po całym dniu spędzonym na drzemce której nieboszczyk mógłby pozazdrościć, dowiaduję się od mamy iż przyszła do mnie paczka a w niej książka...
Chrzest Ognia
Monday, 10 October 2011
Something to Bite About
It's been some time since I've returned from my visit and as it is customary to my visits, I get to eat as much as I would like... This time though I thought I'll make some photos of the most excellent cuisine that I've consumed... so first up is dinner...
One of my favourite dishes is pork tongue... ah yes, served with boiled potatoes and a side salad it is truly a fine meal. The main thing about a tongue it's that it is a very flexible muscle. When cooked, it is most soft and ideal for chewing... for your reference, here's how a pork tongue looks like raw
And now for probably the most popular type of food: desserts. After dinner, I like to eat some chrusty. All right, I'm lying... I like to eat them ALL THE TIME. They are quite addictive. The dough for them is composed out of flour, yolk, sugar and vodka... I assume that's why they are so popular... My mom says the vodka is there to help neutralise the fat that chrusty are fried on but we all know that's just an excuse so that we'd be able to put some alcohol in our desserts!
Yet in the morning I prefer a different type of sweet. While most people will simply wake up and proceed to go through their boring routines of the morning, the most important thing to do really is get dressed and get myself a ptyś. Forget about doughnuts... the ptyś is where it's at... its deliciousness cannot be summarised with simple words. The crumbling exterior of its cream hides away the soft deliciousness within. Just thinking about biting into it makes my heart wander into the lands of sweetness...
Another delicacy out of the Slavic lands is sękacz. Wikipedia tells me it is most popular in the North-East of Poland and I rarely go to shops outside of that region so all I can say is that it's fairly easy to find yourself a sękacz in any size... but we all know that Wikipedia never lies! The one I bought was very small... you can even buy slices if you just feel like a snack. The sękacz is made by pouring dough onto a rotating spit over fire... It may be dangerous to eat it in company as the last slice becomes the Holy Grail... many wars have been fought over who will consume the last remnants of a sękacz baked over hellfire...
There is one thing that I always bring a box or two of with me when I depart from my place of origin: ptasie mleczko. This small and unassuming sweet has what I love about food the most, a very confusing name. Birds' milk is a fine piece of sweet goodness... it is basically a marshmallow in chocolate... in a rectangular shape... perhaps it is its simplicity that makes it such a fine snack to have...
One of my favourite dishes is pork tongue... ah yes, served with boiled potatoes and a side salad it is truly a fine meal. The main thing about a tongue it's that it is a very flexible muscle. When cooked, it is most soft and ideal for chewing... for your reference, here's how a pork tongue looks like raw
That's what I put in my mouth... |
with sugar on top... a perfect snack to a cup of tea... |
PTYŚ!!! |
![]() |
I claimed the last piece |
The depiction of a bird doesn't help the imagination |
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
(8:08:02 PM) 5004793: hej
(8:08:27 PM) 1979410: hello
(8:08:35 PM) 5004793: co tam
(8:08:55 PM) 1979410: tak sobie życie idzie do przodu...
(8:09:20 PM) 5004793: TO TAK JAK U MNIE
(8:09:25 PM) 1979410: lol
(8:10:43 PM) 5004793: masakra
(8:11:11 PM) 1979410: jaka masakra?
(8:11:33 PM) 5004793: to takie powiedzenie
(8:11:56 PM) 5004793: znasz Grzeska Sandomierskiego?
(8:12:03 PM) 1979410: no dobrze... ale dlaczego akurat tak mówisz?
(8:12:12 PM) 1979410: hm... nigdy o takim człowieku nie słyszałem...
(8:12:42 PM) 5004793: piłkarz jagielloni białystok
(8:13:01 PM) 1979410: to nic dziwnego że nie znam :P
(8:13:12 PM) 5004793: dlaczego?
(8:14:05 PM) 1979410: nie interesuję się piłką...
(8:14:25 PM) 5004793: aha a czym się interesujesz?
(8:14:55 PM) 1979410: bardziej książkami i filmami... komiksami też...
(8:15:31 PM) 5004793: aha
(8:15:44 PM) 1979410: nom
(8:16:31 PM) 5004793: a ja muzyka,siatkowka i te zainteresowania i jeszcze piłka nożna,film i tv,moda
(8:17:22 PM) 1979410: cool...
(8:18:02 PM) 5004793: nom
(8:20:13 PM) 1979410: to co z tym Grzesiem?
(8:20:44 PM) 5004793: szukam do niego kontaktu
(8:21:16 PM) 1979410: why?
(8:22:56 PM) 5004793: bo mi się podoba
(8:23:03 PM) 1979410: lol
(8:23:23 PM) 1979410: a masz zdjęcie?
(8:23:48 PM) 5004793: mam
(8:24:02 PM) 1979410: a on jest na fotce?
(8:24:17 PM) 5004793: nie
(8:24:42 PM) 1979410: aaaaa... a ja się o jego fotkę pytałem, nie twoją :P
(8:25:15 PM) 5004793: a no to w google wpisz
(8:25:15 PM) 5004793: myślałam że moja
(8:26:04 PM) 1979410: eh... nie chce mi się go szukać... i tak bym nie poznał jak na zdjęciu grupowym jest...
(8:26:33 PM) 5004793: to na fb
(8:29:08 PM) 1979410: hm... taki sobie... nie w moim typie...
(8:29:33 PM) 5004793: byłoby coś z Tobą nie tak jakby był w Twoim typie
(8:29:42 PM) 1979410: a to czemu?
(8:30:03 PM) 5004793: no bo byś był gejem
(8:30:18 PM) 1979410: i to ma być "coś nie tak"?
(8:30:22 PM) 5004793: jakbyś gustowal w facetach
(8:30:55 PM) 1979410: czyli uważasz, że bycie gejem jest czymś nie takim?
(8:31:09 PM) 5004793: no
(8:31:37 PM) 1979410: I see...
(8:31:56 PM) 5004793: a jesteś?
(8:32:00 PM) 1979410: nie...
(8:32:18 PM) 5004793: to spoko
(8:32:43 PM) 1979410: mam kolegów którzy są... i jakoś nie widzę w tym nic złego...
(8:33:02 PM) 5004793: to już ich problem
(8:33:25 PM) 1979410: bardziej bym powiedział, że twój...
(8:33:41 PM) 5004793: ja nie mam problemu
(8:33:57 PM) 1979410: raczej już temu zaprzeczyłaś wcześniej...
(8:34:41 PM) 5004793: ja jestem jak najbardziej normalno-sexualna i to mi wystarczy
(8:35:30 PM) 1979410: jakoś niebardzo... jeśli musisz obrażać innych ludzi pod tym względem...
(8:35:48 PM) 5004793: ej no ale ja ich nie obrazam
(8:36:30 PM) 1979410: czyli prawiłaś im komplementy mówiąc, że jest z nimi coś nie tak i że ich seksualność jest ich problemem?
(8:37:29 PM) 5004793: ani nie obrazałam ani nie prawiłam komplementów,wyraziłam swoją opinię...koniec tematu
(8:38:05 PM) 1979410: nom... obraźliwa ta opinia... i to bardzo...
(8:38:31 PM) 5004793: opinia jak większość innych ludzi
(8:38:56 PM) 1979410: niestety... mroczne są nasze czasy...
(8:39:07 PM) 5004793: la vida
(8:43:48 PM) 1979410: to co poza tym?
(8:44:18 PM) 5004793: zagłosujesz na mój zespół?
(8:44:28 PM) 1979410: to zależy...
(8:44:36 PM) 5004793: od
(8:44:57 PM) 1979410: czy mi się spodoba...
(8:45:06 PM) 5004793: aha
(8:45:12 PM) 5004793: a jaką muzykę lubisz?
(8:45:26 PM) 1979410: metalową...
(8:45:42 PM) 5004793: aha no to raczej nie ten rodzaj
(8:45:57 PM) 1979410: tak myślałem...
(8:46:21 PM) 5004793: chyba że disco-polo też słuchasz
(8:46:28 PM) 1979410: no
(8:46:45 PM) 5004793: a kogo najbardziej?
(8:46:50 PM) 1979410: no one
(8:47:04 PM) 5004793: nie ma takiego
(8:47:09 PM) 1979410: I know...
(8:47:46 PM) 5004793: to jakiego
(8:48:15 PM) 1979410: żadnego... przecież powiedziałem, że nie słucham disco-polo...
(8:49:04 PM) 5004793: no to chyba znaczy tak
(8:51:58 PM) 1979410: not in English...
(8:52:19 PM) 5004793: w polsce jesteśmy
(8:52:35 PM) 1979410: może ty jesteś... ja to raczej niebardzo...
(8:52:59 PM) 5004793: no ja jestem
(8:53:12 PM) 1979410: trudno się mówi...
(8:53:25 PM) 5004793: la vida
(8:59:52 PM) 1979410: jeszcze coś?
(9:00:04 PM) 5004793: nada
(9:00:11 PM) 1979410: cool...
(9:00:27 PM) 5004793: ciao
(8:08:27 PM) 1979410: hello
(8:08:35 PM) 5004793: co tam
(8:08:55 PM) 1979410: tak sobie życie idzie do przodu...
(8:09:20 PM) 5004793: TO TAK JAK U MNIE
(8:09:25 PM) 1979410: lol
(8:10:43 PM) 5004793: masakra
(8:11:11 PM) 1979410: jaka masakra?
(8:11:33 PM) 5004793: to takie powiedzenie
(8:11:56 PM) 5004793: znasz Grzeska Sandomierskiego?
(8:12:03 PM) 1979410: no dobrze... ale dlaczego akurat tak mówisz?
(8:12:12 PM) 1979410: hm... nigdy o takim człowieku nie słyszałem...
(8:12:42 PM) 5004793: piłkarz jagielloni białystok
(8:13:01 PM) 1979410: to nic dziwnego że nie znam :P
(8:13:12 PM) 5004793: dlaczego?
(8:14:05 PM) 1979410: nie interesuję się piłką...
(8:14:25 PM) 5004793: aha a czym się interesujesz?
(8:14:55 PM) 1979410: bardziej książkami i filmami... komiksami też...
(8:15:31 PM) 5004793: aha
(8:15:44 PM) 1979410: nom
(8:16:31 PM) 5004793: a ja muzyka,siatkowka i te zainteresowania i jeszcze piłka nożna,film i tv,moda
(8:17:22 PM) 1979410: cool...
(8:18:02 PM) 5004793: nom
(8:20:13 PM) 1979410: to co z tym Grzesiem?
(8:20:44 PM) 5004793: szukam do niego kontaktu
(8:21:16 PM) 1979410: why?
(8:22:56 PM) 5004793: bo mi się podoba
(8:23:03 PM) 1979410: lol
(8:23:23 PM) 1979410: a masz zdjęcie?
(8:23:48 PM) 5004793: mam
(8:24:02 PM) 1979410: a on jest na fotce?
(8:24:17 PM) 5004793: nie
(8:24:42 PM) 1979410: aaaaa... a ja się o jego fotkę pytałem, nie twoją :P
(8:25:15 PM) 5004793: a no to w google wpisz
(8:25:15 PM) 5004793: myślałam że moja
(8:26:04 PM) 1979410: eh... nie chce mi się go szukać... i tak bym nie poznał jak na zdjęciu grupowym jest...
(8:26:33 PM) 5004793: to na fb
(8:29:08 PM) 1979410: hm... taki sobie... nie w moim typie...
(8:29:33 PM) 5004793: byłoby coś z Tobą nie tak jakby był w Twoim typie
(8:29:42 PM) 1979410: a to czemu?
(8:30:03 PM) 5004793: no bo byś był gejem
(8:30:18 PM) 1979410: i to ma być "coś nie tak"?
(8:30:22 PM) 5004793: jakbyś gustowal w facetach
(8:30:55 PM) 1979410: czyli uważasz, że bycie gejem jest czymś nie takim?
(8:31:09 PM) 5004793: no
(8:31:37 PM) 1979410: I see...
(8:31:56 PM) 5004793: a jesteś?
(8:32:00 PM) 1979410: nie...
(8:32:18 PM) 5004793: to spoko
(8:32:43 PM) 1979410: mam kolegów którzy są... i jakoś nie widzę w tym nic złego...
(8:33:02 PM) 5004793: to już ich problem
(8:33:25 PM) 1979410: bardziej bym powiedział, że twój...
(8:33:41 PM) 5004793: ja nie mam problemu
(8:33:57 PM) 1979410: raczej już temu zaprzeczyłaś wcześniej...
(8:34:41 PM) 5004793: ja jestem jak najbardziej normalno-sexualna i to mi wystarczy
(8:35:30 PM) 1979410: jakoś niebardzo... jeśli musisz obrażać innych ludzi pod tym względem...
(8:35:48 PM) 5004793: ej no ale ja ich nie obrazam
(8:36:30 PM) 1979410: czyli prawiłaś im komplementy mówiąc, że jest z nimi coś nie tak i że ich seksualność jest ich problemem?
(8:37:29 PM) 5004793: ani nie obrazałam ani nie prawiłam komplementów,wyraziłam swoją opinię...koniec tematu
(8:38:05 PM) 1979410: nom... obraźliwa ta opinia... i to bardzo...
(8:38:31 PM) 5004793: opinia jak większość innych ludzi
(8:38:56 PM) 1979410: niestety... mroczne są nasze czasy...
(8:39:07 PM) 5004793: la vida
(8:43:48 PM) 1979410: to co poza tym?
(8:44:18 PM) 5004793: zagłosujesz na mój zespół?
(8:44:28 PM) 1979410: to zależy...
(8:44:36 PM) 5004793: od
(8:44:57 PM) 1979410: czy mi się spodoba...
(8:45:06 PM) 5004793: aha
(8:45:12 PM) 5004793: a jaką muzykę lubisz?
(8:45:26 PM) 1979410: metalową...
(8:45:42 PM) 5004793: aha no to raczej nie ten rodzaj
(8:45:57 PM) 1979410: tak myślałem...
(8:46:21 PM) 5004793: chyba że disco-polo też słuchasz
(8:46:28 PM) 1979410: no
(8:46:45 PM) 5004793: a kogo najbardziej?
(8:46:50 PM) 1979410: no one
(8:47:04 PM) 5004793: nie ma takiego
(8:47:09 PM) 1979410: I know...
(8:47:46 PM) 5004793: to jakiego
(8:48:15 PM) 1979410: żadnego... przecież powiedziałem, że nie słucham disco-polo...
(8:49:04 PM) 5004793: no to chyba znaczy tak
(8:51:58 PM) 1979410: not in English...
(8:52:19 PM) 5004793: w polsce jesteśmy
(8:52:35 PM) 1979410: może ty jesteś... ja to raczej niebardzo...
(8:52:59 PM) 5004793: no ja jestem
(8:53:12 PM) 1979410: trudno się mówi...
(8:53:25 PM) 5004793: la vida
(8:59:52 PM) 1979410: jeszcze coś?
(9:00:04 PM) 5004793: nada
(9:00:11 PM) 1979410: cool...
(9:00:27 PM) 5004793: ciao
Monday, 2 May 2011
All Good Things...
Some time ago I have decided to archive the games I ran online. I didn't want to lose them to sudden crashes or other strange things. Some of the games I ran required a lot of time and effort on my part and the thought of losing them started to scare me. I think of games like creating stories with friends whilst having a lot of fun. Just thinking about scenes and reading them again brings joy to my black bleeding heart. It is partly because of what Scribe Drizz is trying to achieve and partly because of my memories of running an Exalted game called United We Stand. It was a game about a group of Solars and their allies preparing a kingdom for war in the Hundred Kingdoms that were threatened by the machinations of a Deathlord. The game spanned about three years of my life when every evening I updated threads and talked with the players about what they want from it.
It was one of the games that I have been most proud of. Just like all good things it too came to an end without a finish. I have ran it on RPoL and they do not allow archiving games. So when the game was marked for deletion due to inactivity, I have began the process of copying and pasting all the threads to a doc file. With thousands upon thousands of words, I had a whole lot of copy/pasting to do. Then events in my offline life took a turn that required my attention. As it is with me, I do not consider gaming a big priority so I put off completing the copy/pasting for later. Life went on, I got on with the problems I was having and it all started to calm down.
I have to note that my life was so hectic lately that one of my good players started to honestly doubt I would ever start the game that I'm currently working at. I consider it a great fall from my former glory days.
Today I decided to pick up when I left on and I noticed that the game has been completely deleted. I know full well that I have no one to blame other than myself for this. I was really torn when I noticed this because on one side, it's just a game, on the other it's a game using my favourite system, played with a really great group of players and a game that taught me a lot about running games. Not to mention it actually let me say I have ran a game for three years when people say online games can only last for a few weeks before they die. It was proof of my Awesome.
and now it's gone...
I was contemplating what to do with this fact. If I want to continue archiving or just deleting what I had... and all things considered, I think I'll just use what I have and simply write out all I can remember that happened (and didn't happen) after I stopped archiving the game. It won't be as great as I had hoped.
In the end, after my rage and self-loathing subsided, I think all things considered I have made the right choice of focusing on issues that were gnawing at my life rather than on a game.
A lesson is learned for the future. I will have to archive the games that I'm currently running as they go. So I will have to find the time to start archiving The Emergence and Silverkeep now... and yes, Silverkeep will start, I do not want to be known for empty words...
It was one of the games that I have been most proud of. Just like all good things it too came to an end without a finish. I have ran it on RPoL and they do not allow archiving games. So when the game was marked for deletion due to inactivity, I have began the process of copying and pasting all the threads to a doc file. With thousands upon thousands of words, I had a whole lot of copy/pasting to do. Then events in my offline life took a turn that required my attention. As it is with me, I do not consider gaming a big priority so I put off completing the copy/pasting for later. Life went on, I got on with the problems I was having and it all started to calm down.
I have to note that my life was so hectic lately that one of my good players started to honestly doubt I would ever start the game that I'm currently working at. I consider it a great fall from my former glory days.
Today I decided to pick up when I left on and I noticed that the game has been completely deleted. I know full well that I have no one to blame other than myself for this. I was really torn when I noticed this because on one side, it's just a game, on the other it's a game using my favourite system, played with a really great group of players and a game that taught me a lot about running games. Not to mention it actually let me say I have ran a game for three years when people say online games can only last for a few weeks before they die. It was proof of my Awesome.
and now it's gone...
I was contemplating what to do with this fact. If I want to continue archiving or just deleting what I had... and all things considered, I think I'll just use what I have and simply write out all I can remember that happened (and didn't happen) after I stopped archiving the game. It won't be as great as I had hoped.
In the end, after my rage and self-loathing subsided, I think all things considered I have made the right choice of focusing on issues that were gnawing at my life rather than on a game.
A lesson is learned for the future. I will have to archive the games that I'm currently running as they go. So I will have to find the time to start archiving The Emergence and Silverkeep now... and yes, Silverkeep will start, I do not want to be known for empty words...
Friday, 25 March 2011
The Weirdness of Public Transportation
On one of the many fateful days that were more like a night if one is to account for the lack of light and prevalence of darkness on the streets and the cold wind blowing for the ephemeral space where the dead dwell... I got on a bus. As it often happens from some time now, I was reading a book and then the unexpected happen.
"Can you move somewhere else so I can sit here?" a woman who was failing the fight against gravity asked while I magnificently dodged the few drops of an alcoholic beverage filling her can. I have considered the request over letting this woman sit down in a place that clearly belonged to her from the dawn of mankind. For, as I recall, the great prophets have said that the public transportation seat of the second floor at the very front to the very left is the property of any inebriated female species of the human race. Unfortunately, we decided the Neanderthals are better whacked than listened to so our ancestors have recorded only a few tidbits of their wisdom... and even that must have been filled with propaganda. So in all my generosity, politeness and kindness I said the most simple of words.
I am not sure how my answer was taken as an invitation to pointing out several seats all over the bus that were empty, of which there were at least 8 just in my peripheral vision... but it was amusing nonetheless.
"Ok, I asked nicely, now this guy over there will tell you to get another seat." The New Challenger appeared. The reader at this point should imagine the stereotypical tall guy who has more muscles than brains because it has been scientifically proven that the more people think people you've killed, the more likely they are to vote you governor of their state. The problem was that England has counties, so your mileage may vary in Europe.
"What is the problem?" he says while looking from me to her.
"He's not giving me my seat."
"Oh yeah?!" He was excited like a reject from a Superman film. "Give this lady the seat."
I have considered the request that he infused with a healthy dose of testosterone that would make even Dirty Harry look like a wimpy kid crying over his stolen candy stick.
At this point the woman was getting furious but the man calmed her down by saying that they will get out of the bus at the same stop as me and teach me a lesson. Her guy left to go to the back of the bus. While she stood there being drunk a guy sitting on the other side of the bus attempted to placate her by giving away his own seat but she was not so easily taken by some other seat. She specifically wanted the one that my ass was currently enjoying. A moment later my stop came up so I stood up and gone out while the apparent couple was having a shouting match from the two ends of the bus... something about something she did while he was in prison or something...
The door closed and the bus disappeared into the night!
"Can you move somewhere else so I can sit here?" a woman who was failing the fight against gravity asked while I magnificently dodged the few drops of an alcoholic beverage filling her can. I have considered the request over letting this woman sit down in a place that clearly belonged to her from the dawn of mankind. For, as I recall, the great prophets have said that the public transportation seat of the second floor at the very front to the very left is the property of any inebriated female species of the human race. Unfortunately, we decided the Neanderthals are better whacked than listened to so our ancestors have recorded only a few tidbits of their wisdom... and even that must have been filled with propaganda. So in all my generosity, politeness and kindness I said the most simple of words.
I am not sure how my answer was taken as an invitation to pointing out several seats all over the bus that were empty, of which there were at least 8 just in my peripheral vision... but it was amusing nonetheless.
"Ok, I asked nicely, now this guy over there will tell you to get another seat." The New Challenger appeared. The reader at this point should imagine the stereotypical tall guy who has more muscles than brains because it has been scientifically proven that the more people think people you've killed, the more likely they are to vote you governor of their state. The problem was that England has counties, so your mileage may vary in Europe.
"What is the problem?" he says while looking from me to her.
"He's not giving me my seat."
"Oh yeah?!" He was excited like a reject from a Superman film. "Give this lady the seat."
I have considered the request that he infused with a healthy dose of testosterone that would make even Dirty Harry look like a wimpy kid crying over his stolen candy stick.
At this point the woman was getting furious but the man calmed her down by saying that they will get out of the bus at the same stop as me and teach me a lesson. Her guy left to go to the back of the bus. While she stood there being drunk a guy sitting on the other side of the bus attempted to placate her by giving away his own seat but she was not so easily taken by some other seat. She specifically wanted the one that my ass was currently enjoying. A moment later my stop came up so I stood up and gone out while the apparent couple was having a shouting match from the two ends of the bus... something about something she did while he was in prison or something...
The door closed and the bus disappeared into the night!
Monday, 14 March 2011
Game Ideas
Whenever I talk with people about running games, I often hear about a common problem among us Game Masters. Mainly that of having way too many ideas for games but not enough time to run them all. Instead of waiting for those couple ideas I had to fade into nothingness, I thought I might as well put them here. This way at least I'll have them all in one place. So without further ado, here's what I'd like to run in the future...
System: Cat
This game would be set in a remote town somewhere, probably Alaska. The player characters find out that children are starting to grow very unemotional towards them but try to hide it in front of adults. Every night, when their parents think they're asleep, they sneak out and meet outside of town to chant in a low murmur, they never sleep. Through some sort of investigation, the player characters find out something is taking over the children's psyche when they dream. Now they have to search the Dream to find whatever is causing it and put an end to its evil schemes!
System: Exalted - The Alchemicals
Being Alchemicals, the characters would be industrial paragons of their nation. However, all signs show there is a threat of a Gremlin swarm led by a powerful smoke elemental. For this game I would like to use a very cyberpunk feel to the game, high level of artifacts, with people having many implants, the use of occasional jokes (like one antagonist having a split personality and bearing the names Window 1 and Window 2) and having fights in tunnels where gravity is relative.
System: Exalted - The Dragon-Blooded
The players would be a special forces team sent out on missions to further the interests of the Realm. Possible missions would be investigating strange cases in the Realm and reigning down the Realm's wrath on insurgencies in the Threshold. Between missions the player characters would have to deal with politics that either hinder or help their team, depending on their actions.
System: Exalted - The Infernals
This game would take place in a possible future of Creation where the Yozis have won. The Yozis' prison fused with Creation, allowing them to regain their rightful place in Yu-Shan. Yet their Infernal champions are still needed. Although many Exalts have fallen, selling out their Exaltations to the demons and thus becoming half-Infernals, the battle for Creation is still waged. Not every heroic soul was broken, some remain, desperately trying to fight in a world that hates and despises them. They are a far lesser concern than the Neverborn's armies growing in the shadow of the Reclamation. Soon a new war will be waged that will decide whether Hell on Earth will reign supreme or will existence itself be plunged into Oblivion.
System: Exalted - The Sidereals
This game would be about a group of Sidereal martial artists infiltrating and manipulating governments to their bureau's own ends. I would like to go on a more macro-scale with this or have the main plot take place in Nexus's criminal underground. I'd like to take inspiration from James Bond movies or films like The Avengers and XXX where there's one antagonist bent on destroying/taking over the world so I'm thinking either a Deathlord or some Raksha noble. Having players start with an additional 5 Martial Arts Charms is a must.
System: Hero System 6th Edition
When the Autobots boarded the Ark to find a new home, they were attacked by the Decepticons. The resulting battle damaged the ship so it crash landed on prehistoric Earth. After several millennia have passed, the volcano the ship ended up under erupted. It brought the ship online and it sent out a probe to look for life on the planet. Due to its definition of life excluding organic matter, it only scanned machines and based on their design, repaired the Transformers. Thus the story began... but in this alternate reality the Autobots were too damaged to be repaired so only Decepticons were brought back to life. Without a leader and stranded on an alien planet, they'll have to decide what to do next and fight for the little bit of Energon left. I imagine this game would deal with the sparsity of their energy sources and infighting between forming factions within their group.
System: Promethean The Created
Each of the player characters has a vision telling them to come to a cave. There they are greeted by a Quashmall who tells them of a Centimanus who is trying to combine the four aspects of the end into one being. It is now their duty to stop the creation of this entity. Their quest will bring them through regions of the world each embodying said four aspects: War, Pestilence, Famine and Death.
System: Savage Worlds
The players take on the roles of knights in service to the great King chosen by the gods to unite the land of Albion. The King possesses a powerful sword artifact but unfortunately, when word of invaders clad in the skins of beasts and wielding massive axes reach him, he decides to send his knights to parley with their warlord. As it turns out, the bloodthirsty barbarians are willing to talk... so they take their mechanical mounts, power armours and other inventions and go see what all the ruckus is about.
System: Savage Worlds
During the second world war, the Nazis have experimented with augmenting human beings into more resilient soldiers. Unfortunately, something went wrong and their latest experimentation camp blew up. Drafted to be soldiers or simply civilians caught in the crossfire, the player characters can't return to their lives because of their monstrous appearance so they have to hide away in the sewers while protecting the city above from the ravages of war.
System: Victoriana
When I first read about Victoriana I immediately had the idea to have players be planning one of the many rebellions Poland had during the times of occupation. Secret meetings, planning the proceedings, recruiting allies, avoiding the secret police, dealing with propaganda, etc. For the great finale, it's all or nothing! Best part? Other than tanks and soldiers with guns, you have to deal with beasts and magic.
System: Cat
This game would be set in a remote town somewhere, probably Alaska. The player characters find out that children are starting to grow very unemotional towards them but try to hide it in front of adults. Every night, when their parents think they're asleep, they sneak out and meet outside of town to chant in a low murmur, they never sleep. Through some sort of investigation, the player characters find out something is taking over the children's psyche when they dream. Now they have to search the Dream to find whatever is causing it and put an end to its evil schemes!
System: Exalted - The Alchemicals
Being Alchemicals, the characters would be industrial paragons of their nation. However, all signs show there is a threat of a Gremlin swarm led by a powerful smoke elemental. For this game I would like to use a very cyberpunk feel to the game, high level of artifacts, with people having many implants, the use of occasional jokes (like one antagonist having a split personality and bearing the names Window 1 and Window 2) and having fights in tunnels where gravity is relative.
System: Exalted - The Dragon-Blooded
The players would be a special forces team sent out on missions to further the interests of the Realm. Possible missions would be investigating strange cases in the Realm and reigning down the Realm's wrath on insurgencies in the Threshold. Between missions the player characters would have to deal with politics that either hinder or help their team, depending on their actions.
System: Exalted - The Infernals
This game would take place in a possible future of Creation where the Yozis have won. The Yozis' prison fused with Creation, allowing them to regain their rightful place in Yu-Shan. Yet their Infernal champions are still needed. Although many Exalts have fallen, selling out their Exaltations to the demons and thus becoming half-Infernals, the battle for Creation is still waged. Not every heroic soul was broken, some remain, desperately trying to fight in a world that hates and despises them. They are a far lesser concern than the Neverborn's armies growing in the shadow of the Reclamation. Soon a new war will be waged that will decide whether Hell on Earth will reign supreme or will existence itself be plunged into Oblivion.
System: Exalted - The Sidereals
This game would be about a group of Sidereal martial artists infiltrating and manipulating governments to their bureau's own ends. I would like to go on a more macro-scale with this or have the main plot take place in Nexus's criminal underground. I'd like to take inspiration from James Bond movies or films like The Avengers and XXX where there's one antagonist bent on destroying/taking over the world so I'm thinking either a Deathlord or some Raksha noble. Having players start with an additional 5 Martial Arts Charms is a must.
System: Hero System 6th Edition
When the Autobots boarded the Ark to find a new home, they were attacked by the Decepticons. The resulting battle damaged the ship so it crash landed on prehistoric Earth. After several millennia have passed, the volcano the ship ended up under erupted. It brought the ship online and it sent out a probe to look for life on the planet. Due to its definition of life excluding organic matter, it only scanned machines and based on their design, repaired the Transformers. Thus the story began... but in this alternate reality the Autobots were too damaged to be repaired so only Decepticons were brought back to life. Without a leader and stranded on an alien planet, they'll have to decide what to do next and fight for the little bit of Energon left. I imagine this game would deal with the sparsity of their energy sources and infighting between forming factions within their group.
System: Promethean The Created
Each of the player characters has a vision telling them to come to a cave. There they are greeted by a Quashmall who tells them of a Centimanus who is trying to combine the four aspects of the end into one being. It is now their duty to stop the creation of this entity. Their quest will bring them through regions of the world each embodying said four aspects: War, Pestilence, Famine and Death.
System: Savage Worlds
The players take on the roles of knights in service to the great King chosen by the gods to unite the land of Albion. The King possesses a powerful sword artifact but unfortunately, when word of invaders clad in the skins of beasts and wielding massive axes reach him, he decides to send his knights to parley with their warlord. As it turns out, the bloodthirsty barbarians are willing to talk... so they take their mechanical mounts, power armours and other inventions and go see what all the ruckus is about.
System: Savage Worlds
During the second world war, the Nazis have experimented with augmenting human beings into more resilient soldiers. Unfortunately, something went wrong and their latest experimentation camp blew up. Drafted to be soldiers or simply civilians caught in the crossfire, the player characters can't return to their lives because of their monstrous appearance so they have to hide away in the sewers while protecting the city above from the ravages of war.
System: Victoriana
When I first read about Victoriana I immediately had the idea to have players be planning one of the many rebellions Poland had during the times of occupation. Secret meetings, planning the proceedings, recruiting allies, avoiding the secret police, dealing with propaganda, etc. For the great finale, it's all or nothing! Best part? Other than tanks and soldiers with guns, you have to deal with beasts and magic.
Monday, 31 January 2011
Meme Time!
meme stolen off of Cristian...
Day 01 - A moment
I woke up for the New Year feeling really, really hot... didn't sleep through the night...
Day 02 - Your first love
Natalia... I still remember how we used to walk around the kindergarten and talk about how we'll get married when we grow up
Day 03 - Your best friend
That would be Vegael, of course...
Day 04 - What you ate today
A nice dinner provided by a friend's wife that consisted of an assortment of cold vegetables, chicken and some chips... then I had beef fried rice... I think I like Chinese too much...
Day 05 - Your definition of love
Someone who was once close to my heart wished me to find love as sweet as a rose but with no thorns. To which I replied that love that is without pain or hardship is not worth working for...
Day 06 - Your day
It was Christmas Eve but due to my throat feeling utterly horrible and my body being generally weak, I took the advice of someone at work and spent the day in bed instead of going to the cinema. I did watch Public Enemies and Tekken though so not all was lost.
Day 07 - A quote that you live by
No Rest for the Wicked
Day 08 - What you wore today
a red shirt... yes, I'm a Red Shirt...
Day 09 - Your beliefs
Now this is a loaded question that is not easily described in mere few words. What is there to say about a person's beliefs? Like most people, I presume, my beliefs are many, varied and often contradictory. My psyche is a constant battleground where aspects embodying particular elements of my beliefs vie for control each and every second. They scheme, create alliances and back-stab each other at the first opportunity! Vicious... verily...
Day 10 - Another moment
A car drove up to the drive-through window I was at. Three girls missed the board with the microphone where we take orders and they were too cute for me to tell them to drive away. So I took their order for 6 meals, made them and they went off. The next car had this guy in a suit and an expensive car. He started shouting that this place is run by idiots seeing as the previous car wasn't told to wait in the car park until someone brings them their meals and that I can eat the ice cream he ordered (that was the only nice thing about him), then he said something that truly shook my very being... he said he would COMPLAIN... I thought I had died on the spot...
Day 11 - Your siblings
She is the Yin to my Yang... but lately she has been going to the Dark Side. She has found a fascination for vampires... but fear not gentle readers! For my dear sister has spoken of sparkling vampires as being not monstrous enough. Yes, in her mind, a vampire that is not monstrous is lame...
Also, I am apparently the only brother in the world who doesn't have a defensive instinct when it comes to potential mates for her. Seriously, why should I go about beating the crap out of her potential boyfriends when she does that by herself just fine?
Day 12 - The closest thing in reach
For the present moment that would be Samurai Prowl...
Day 13 - This week
I did think about one of my friends who I haven't spoken to in over half a year. Tried to get in touch with her but after a couple of months trying, I simply gave up. I suppose I thought about trying again but before I got to it, I got a phone call from her... it was really surprising...
Day 14 - Top 5 artists in your iPod
Since I have no music on my iPod, I don't have any artists on it either...
Day 15 - Your dreams
I'd like to save enough money to get on a teaching course and then get a job as a teacher. Then I'd like to spend the next 20 or so years saving up enough money to build a house for my parents so they can spend their retirement in peace.
Day 16 - Your first kiss
The day I finished high school, it so happened that my mum went to England to visit my dad. A few weeks before the day, I inadvertently told of this while talking to someone from class. The next thing I know, everyone was invited to a party at my place as if real life was imitating a badly written teen drama.
Strangely enough, I had more fun running around to make sure everyone has food and drinks than I usually have sitting at a party not doing anything. She arrived late, I thought she won't arrive at all. The funny thing is that I had a crush on her since I walked to the bus stop with her on our way back from school. I asked her out shortly after that but she said she didn't want to be in a relationship with someone from the same class. So I decided to wait until the end of high school but after it was decided that I'll be going to England to study, I thought against entering a relationship with someone who may not like the idea of long-distance ones.
Yet she did came to the party and stayed after everyone else left to help me clean. We talked and laughed and after we were finished she asked me if she can see my IELTS results. They were hanging above my bed so I took it off and sat down. I showed them to her while she sat next to me. Then she said she was getting tired, she leaned on me, I laid myself down on the sheets and she slowly climbed up to my face.
We kissed... a lot...
Day 17 - Your favourite memory this past year
That will have to be my trip to Belgium and the resulting gaming that was had. I still giggle whenever I remind myself of how Elohim tortured that poor chap, giving him one last chance to answer our questions. He screamed and Elohim simply asked "Is that your final answer?"... The scene where he cut a man in half to get to his love interest (yes, he sliced a man in half and walked between the falling pieces) that got an injury. So chivalrous, yet cruel.
Not to mention the resulting maiming my ear received for not keeping my mouth shut.
Day 18 - Your least favorite memory this past year
I don't even want to think about it. The whole ordeal was so bad, I couldn't fall asleep in my own room without locking the door. It took a couple of weeks for me to stop locking the door and still getting some sleep... well... as good as it can be considering my sleeping habits...
Day 19 - Something you regret
Going to university straight after high school. I should have gotten a job first, a space to live, saved up a bit and then gone to study while going part-time from full-time.
Day 20 - This month
I played a couple of games of Yu-Gi-Oh and bought a deck (Machina Mayhem) after years of not playing the game... which also resulted in me watching the Yu-Gi-Oh GX episodes that I have missed.
Other than that, decisions have been made to change a few things about life.
Plans have been set into motion and all that is needed now is time.
Day 21 - Another moment
The neighbour asked me why he has never seen me drink alcohol and that I am the first person he knows to refuse a drink.
Day 22 - Something that upsets you
Whenever someone throws away food. I suppose when I was little, we always put food away to the fridge and ate it later. Throwing away food was unthinkable to the extent that whenever I didn't want to eat something because I didn't like the taste... well, my parents got very angry... wasting food is just incredibly bad...
Day 23 - Something that makes you feel better
The Dark Side
Day 24 - Your wedding song
Chopin... definitely...
Day 25 - What you wore today
The skull I got from two very good friends from my time at the Linguistics course...
Day 26 - Your fears
Dogs... Even though my fear is not as bad as it used to be, I still feel like having a panic attack when I see a dog about to jump at me...
Day 27 - Your favorite place
That would have to be my grandfather's farm. Nothing but fields and woods around those few little building and fence. Peace and quiet at their greatest.
Day 28 - Something that you miss
Regret is not one of the emotions I'm particularly familiar with but if I must say so then yes, there is something I regret. I mainly regret that I didn't work for a year before going to university. Just finding a place to live and then a job to work at before starting the course and after the academic year starts, go part-time on it. In other words, I regret not doing the same thing as my friends... it might have had the result of not having the problems I had...
Day 29 - Your aspirations
Finish my degree, get into the teaching profession, write at least one book, learn a couple more languages, study some martial arts, learn how to dance, learn to play the violin... so many things to do... so little time...
Day 30 - One last moment
Had a very enjoyable time with a friend... of which details I will keep to myself...
Day 01 - A moment
I woke up for the New Year feeling really, really hot... didn't sleep through the night...
Day 02 - Your first love
Natalia... I still remember how we used to walk around the kindergarten and talk about how we'll get married when we grow up
Day 03 - Your best friend
That would be Vegael, of course...
Day 04 - What you ate today
A nice dinner provided by a friend's wife that consisted of an assortment of cold vegetables, chicken and some chips... then I had beef fried rice... I think I like Chinese too much...
Day 05 - Your definition of love
Someone who was once close to my heart wished me to find love as sweet as a rose but with no thorns. To which I replied that love that is without pain or hardship is not worth working for...
Day 06 - Your day
It was Christmas Eve but due to my throat feeling utterly horrible and my body being generally weak, I took the advice of someone at work and spent the day in bed instead of going to the cinema. I did watch Public Enemies and Tekken though so not all was lost.
Day 07 - A quote that you live by
No Rest for the Wicked
Day 08 - What you wore today
a red shirt... yes, I'm a Red Shirt...
Day 09 - Your beliefs
Now this is a loaded question that is not easily described in mere few words. What is there to say about a person's beliefs? Like most people, I presume, my beliefs are many, varied and often contradictory. My psyche is a constant battleground where aspects embodying particular elements of my beliefs vie for control each and every second. They scheme, create alliances and back-stab each other at the first opportunity! Vicious... verily...
Day 10 - Another moment
A car drove up to the drive-through window I was at. Three girls missed the board with the microphone where we take orders and they were too cute for me to tell them to drive away. So I took their order for 6 meals, made them and they went off. The next car had this guy in a suit and an expensive car. He started shouting that this place is run by idiots seeing as the previous car wasn't told to wait in the car park until someone brings them their meals and that I can eat the ice cream he ordered (that was the only nice thing about him), then he said something that truly shook my very being... he said he would COMPLAIN... I thought I had died on the spot...
Day 11 - Your siblings
She is the Yin to my Yang... but lately she has been going to the Dark Side. She has found a fascination for vampires... but fear not gentle readers! For my dear sister has spoken of sparkling vampires as being not monstrous enough. Yes, in her mind, a vampire that is not monstrous is lame...
Also, I am apparently the only brother in the world who doesn't have a defensive instinct when it comes to potential mates for her. Seriously, why should I go about beating the crap out of her potential boyfriends when she does that by herself just fine?
Day 12 - The closest thing in reach
For the present moment that would be Samurai Prowl...
Day 13 - This week
I did think about one of my friends who I haven't spoken to in over half a year. Tried to get in touch with her but after a couple of months trying, I simply gave up. I suppose I thought about trying again but before I got to it, I got a phone call from her... it was really surprising...
Day 14 - Top 5 artists in your iPod
Since I have no music on my iPod, I don't have any artists on it either...
Day 15 - Your dreams
I'd like to save enough money to get on a teaching course and then get a job as a teacher. Then I'd like to spend the next 20 or so years saving up enough money to build a house for my parents so they can spend their retirement in peace.
Day 16 - Your first kiss
The day I finished high school, it so happened that my mum went to England to visit my dad. A few weeks before the day, I inadvertently told of this while talking to someone from class. The next thing I know, everyone was invited to a party at my place as if real life was imitating a badly written teen drama.
Strangely enough, I had more fun running around to make sure everyone has food and drinks than I usually have sitting at a party not doing anything. She arrived late, I thought she won't arrive at all. The funny thing is that I had a crush on her since I walked to the bus stop with her on our way back from school. I asked her out shortly after that but she said she didn't want to be in a relationship with someone from the same class. So I decided to wait until the end of high school but after it was decided that I'll be going to England to study, I thought against entering a relationship with someone who may not like the idea of long-distance ones.
Yet she did came to the party and stayed after everyone else left to help me clean. We talked and laughed and after we were finished she asked me if she can see my IELTS results. They were hanging above my bed so I took it off and sat down. I showed them to her while she sat next to me. Then she said she was getting tired, she leaned on me, I laid myself down on the sheets and she slowly climbed up to my face.
We kissed... a lot...
Day 17 - Your favourite memory this past year
That will have to be my trip to Belgium and the resulting gaming that was had. I still giggle whenever I remind myself of how Elohim tortured that poor chap, giving him one last chance to answer our questions. He screamed and Elohim simply asked "Is that your final answer?"... The scene where he cut a man in half to get to his love interest (yes, he sliced a man in half and walked between the falling pieces) that got an injury. So chivalrous, yet cruel.
Not to mention the resulting maiming my ear received for not keeping my mouth shut.
Day 18 - Your least favorite memory this past year
I don't even want to think about it. The whole ordeal was so bad, I couldn't fall asleep in my own room without locking the door. It took a couple of weeks for me to stop locking the door and still getting some sleep... well... as good as it can be considering my sleeping habits...
Day 19 - Something you regret
Going to university straight after high school. I should have gotten a job first, a space to live, saved up a bit and then gone to study while going part-time from full-time.
Day 20 - This month
I played a couple of games of Yu-Gi-Oh and bought a deck (Machina Mayhem) after years of not playing the game... which also resulted in me watching the Yu-Gi-Oh GX episodes that I have missed.
Other than that, decisions have been made to change a few things about life.
Plans have been set into motion and all that is needed now is time.
Day 21 - Another moment
The neighbour asked me why he has never seen me drink alcohol and that I am the first person he knows to refuse a drink.
Day 22 - Something that upsets you
Whenever someone throws away food. I suppose when I was little, we always put food away to the fridge and ate it later. Throwing away food was unthinkable to the extent that whenever I didn't want to eat something because I didn't like the taste... well, my parents got very angry... wasting food is just incredibly bad...
Day 23 - Something that makes you feel better
The Dark Side
Day 24 - Your wedding song
Chopin... definitely...
Day 25 - What you wore today
The skull I got from two very good friends from my time at the Linguistics course...
Day 26 - Your fears
Dogs... Even though my fear is not as bad as it used to be, I still feel like having a panic attack when I see a dog about to jump at me...
Day 27 - Your favorite place
That would have to be my grandfather's farm. Nothing but fields and woods around those few little building and fence. Peace and quiet at their greatest.
Day 28 - Something that you miss
Regret is not one of the emotions I'm particularly familiar with but if I must say so then yes, there is something I regret. I mainly regret that I didn't work for a year before going to university. Just finding a place to live and then a job to work at before starting the course and after the academic year starts, go part-time on it. In other words, I regret not doing the same thing as my friends... it might have had the result of not having the problems I had...
Day 29 - Your aspirations
Finish my degree, get into the teaching profession, write at least one book, learn a couple more languages, study some martial arts, learn how to dance, learn to play the violin... so many things to do... so little time...
Day 30 - One last moment
Had a very enjoyable time with a friend... of which details I will keep to myself...
Thursday, 13 January 2011
Time to Time this Time
There's one thing that I seem to have trouble with that most people do not: the perception of time.
I'm not sure whether it's a problem of my memory not being good enough that assigning events to dates is not as important as remembering the events themselves or is it because I've been analysing grammar so long that I now see time only as Past, Present and Future. Whatever it is, the fact remains that if events do not have a logical connection between them, I won't even remember the sequence in which they occurred.
Ask me about something that happened last week and I won't be able to tell you anything. Sure, I can tell you what happened before now but not last week. The difference is that while most people, at least to me, are able to recall what they did during a specific period, I cannot. It is quite easy for people (like my mum) to call me on having last called them a few months ago while I'm bewildered because it felt like yesterday. Naturally, I understand the time differential between "a few months", "a few weeks" and "a few days ago"... but I simply don't feel it.
Usually, it's not a problem. I write down the deadlines I need and make a plan to get things done in that period. I've become good at managing projects like that but as I've told to one of my acquaintances one day, I simply do not consider the past as important as the future.
While I can see her point about the past being important; that it holds memories of happiness and of our achievements, I cannot see how the past can exist without the future. If we don't go forth to create those happy moments or work on achieving our goals, then the present that we have stagnates us and becomes a dull circular past with nothing of worth.
I'm not sure whether it's a problem of my memory not being good enough that assigning events to dates is not as important as remembering the events themselves or is it because I've been analysing grammar so long that I now see time only as Past, Present and Future. Whatever it is, the fact remains that if events do not have a logical connection between them, I won't even remember the sequence in which they occurred.
Ask me about something that happened last week and I won't be able to tell you anything. Sure, I can tell you what happened before now but not last week. The difference is that while most people, at least to me, are able to recall what they did during a specific period, I cannot. It is quite easy for people (like my mum) to call me on having last called them a few months ago while I'm bewildered because it felt like yesterday. Naturally, I understand the time differential between "a few months", "a few weeks" and "a few days ago"... but I simply don't feel it.
Usually, it's not a problem. I write down the deadlines I need and make a plan to get things done in that period. I've become good at managing projects like that but as I've told to one of my acquaintances one day, I simply do not consider the past as important as the future.
While I can see her point about the past being important; that it holds memories of happiness and of our achievements, I cannot see how the past can exist without the future. If we don't go forth to create those happy moments or work on achieving our goals, then the present that we have stagnates us and becomes a dull circular past with nothing of worth.
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